🖱️Working with selections

Glide Data Grid selections are controlled via the gridSelection and onGridSelectionChanged properties. To respond to selection changes the gridSelection must be controlled.

const [selection, setSelection] = React.useState<GridSelection>({
    columns: CompactSelection.empty(),
    rows: CompactSelection.empty(),

return <DataEditor

The GridSelection contains three different elements. The current selection, the selected rows, and the selected columns.

interface GridSelection {
    readonly current?: {
        readonly cell: Item;
        readonly range: Readonly<Rectangle>;
        readonly rangeStack: readonly Readonly<Rectangle>[];
    readonly columns: CompactSelection;
    readonly rows: CompactSelection;

The current part of the selection contains the selected cell. This is the item which will be drawn with a focus ring. The range represents the selected region around the cell that may be edited by certain commands such as delete. Finally, the rangeStack are additional ranges that the user has selected when multi-rect selection mode is enabled.

rows and columns are both a CompactSelection. A compact selection is a sparse array designed to efficiently hold spans of selected elements. They have the following interface:

export class CompactSelection 
    static empty(): CompactSelection;
    static fromSingleSelection(selection: number | Slice): CompactSelection;
    public offset(amount: number): CompactSelection;
    public add(selection: number | Slice): CompactSelection;
    public remove(selection: number | Slice): CompactSelection;
    public first(): number | undefined;
    public last(): number | undefined;
    public hasIndex(index: number): boolean;
    public hasAll(index: Slice): boolean;
    public some(predicate: (index: number) => boolean): boolean;
    public equals(other: CompactSelection): boolean;
    public toArray(): number[];
    get length(): number;

In general, it is advisable not to call toArray. Iterating over the CompactSelection using a for ... of loop is significantly more efficient.

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