Input Interaction

interface DataEditorProps {
    // ...other props
    keybindings?: Partial<Keybinds>;
    maxColumnAutoWidth?: number;
    maxColumnWidth?: number;
    minColumnWidth?: number;
    onCellActivated?: ((cell) => void);
    onCellClicked?: ((cell, event) => void);
    onCellContextMenu?: ((cell, event) => void);
    onColumnMoved?: ((startIndex, endIndex) => void);
    onColumnResize?: ((column, newSize, colIndex, newSizeWithGrow) => void);
    onColumnResizeEnd?: ((column, newSize, colIndex, newSizeWithGrow) => void);
    onColumnResizeStart?: ((column, newSize, colIndex, newSizeWithGrow) => void);
    onGroupHeaderClicked?: ((colIndex, event) => void);
    onGroupHeaderContextMenu?: ((colIndex, event) => void);
    onGroupHeaderRenamed?: ((groupName, newVal) => void);
    onHeaderClicked?: ((colIndex, event) => void);
    onHeaderContextMenu?: ((colIndex, event) => void);
    onHeaderMenuClick?: ((col, screenPosition) => void);
    onItemHovered?: ((args) => void);
    onKeyDown?: ((event) => void);
    onKeyUp?: ((event) => void);
    onMouseMove?: ((args) => void);
    onRowMoved?: ((startIndex, endIndex) => void);
    preventDiagonalScrolling?: boolean;
    rowSelectionMode?: "auto" | "multi";
    // ...other props


keybindings?: Partial<{
    // Legacy deprecated flags
    readonly pageUp: boolean;
    readonly pageDown: boolean;
    readonly first: boolean;
    readonly last: boolean;

    // Non-rebindable
    readonly copy: boolean;
    readonly cut: boolean;
    readonly paste: boolean;

    readonly downFill: boolean | string;
    readonly rightFill: boolean | string;
    readonly clear: boolean | string;
    readonly closeOverlay: boolean | string;
    readonly acceptOverlayDown: boolean | string;
    readonly acceptOverlayUp: boolean | string;
    readonly acceptOverlayLeft: boolean | string;
    readonly acceptOverlayRight: boolean | string;
    readonly search: boolean | string;
    readonly delete: boolean | string;
    readonly activateCell: boolean | string;
    readonly scrollToSelectedCell: boolean | string;

    // Navigation
    readonly goToFirstColumn: boolean | string;
    readonly goToLastColumn: boolean | string;
    readonly goToFirstCell: boolean | string;
    readonly goToLastCell: boolean | string;
    readonly goToFirstRow: boolean | string;
    readonly goToLastRow: boolean | string;
    readonly goToNextPage: boolean | string;
    readonly goToPreviousPage: boolean | string;

    readonly goUpCell: boolean | string;
    readonly goDownCell: boolean | string;
    readonly goLeftCell: boolean | string;
    readonly goRightCell: boolean | string;

    readonly goUpCellRetainSelection: boolean | string;
    readonly goDownCellRetainSelection: boolean | string;
    readonly goLeftCellRetainSelection: boolean | string;
    readonly goRightCellRetainSelection: boolean | string;

    // Selectiona
    readonly selectToFirstColumn: boolean | string;
    readonly selectToLastColumn: boolean | string;
    readonly selectToFirstCell: boolean | string;
    readonly selectToLastCell: boolean | string;
    readonly selectToFirstRow: boolean | string;
    readonly selectToLastRow: boolean | string;

    readonly selectGrowUp: boolean | string;
    readonly selectGrowDown: boolean | string;
    readonly selectGrowLeft: boolean | string;
    readonly selectGrowRight: boolean | string;

    readonly selectAll: boolean | string;
    readonly selectRow: boolean | string;
    readonly selectColumn: boolean | string;
Key Combo




Moves the currently selected cell and clears other selections

Shift + Arrow



Extends the current selection range in the direction pressed.

Alt + Arrow



Moves the currently selected cell and retains the current selection

Ctrl/Cmd + Arrow | Home/End



Move the selection as far as possible in the direction pressed.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Arrow



Extends the selection as far as possible in the direction pressed.

Shift + Home/End



Extends the selection as far as possible in the direction pressed.

Ctrl/Cmd + A



Selects all cells.

Shift + Space



Selecs the current row.

Ctrl + Space



Selects the current col.




Moves the current selection up/down by one page.




Clear the current selection.

Ctrl/Cmd + D


Data from the first row of the range will be down filled into the rows below it

Ctrl/Cmd + R


Data from the first column of the range will be right filled into the columns next to it

Ctrl/Cmd + C



Copies the current selection.

Ctrl/Cmd + V



Pastes the current buffer into the grid.

Ctrl/Cmd + F


Opens the search interface.

Ctrl/Cmd + Home/End



Move the selection to the first/last cell in the data grid.

Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Home/End



Extend the selection to the first/last cell in the data grid.


maxColumnWidth?: number;
minColumnWidth?: number;

If maxColumnWidth is set with a value greater than 50, then columns will have a maximum size of that many pixels. If the value is less than 50, it will be increased to 50. If it isn't set, the default value will be 500.


maxColumnAutoWidth?: number;

Sets the maximum width that a column can be auto-sized to. Defaults to maxColumnWidth.


onCellClicked?: (cell: Item) => void;

onCellClicked is called whenever the user clicks a cell in the grid.


onCellActivated?: (cell: Item) => void;

onCellActivated is called whenever the user double clicks, taps Enter, or taps Space on a cell in the grid.



onColumnMoved?: (startIndex: number, endIndex: number) => void;

onColumnMoved is called when the user finishes moving a column. startIndex is the index of the column that was moved, and endIndex is the index at which it should end up. Note that you have to effect the move of the column, and pass the reordered columns back in the columns property.


onColumnResize?: (column: GridColumn, newSize: number, columnIndex: number) => void;
onColumnResizeEnd?: (column: GridColumn, newSize: number, columnIndex: number) => void;

onColumnResize is called when the user is resizing a column. newSize is the new size of the column. Note that you have change the size of the column in the GridColumn and pass it back to the grid in the columns property. onColumnReizeEnd is called with the same arguments, but only once the user ceases interaction with the resize handle.


onColumnResizeStart?: (column: GridColumn, newSize: number, columnIndex: number) => void;

onColumnResizeStart is called when the user starts resizing a column. newSize is the new size of the column.


onColumnResizeEnd?: (column: GridColumn, newSize: number, columnIndex: number) => void;

onColumnResize is called when the user ends resizing a column. newSize is the new size of the column.


onGroupHeaderClicked?: (colIndex: number, event: GroupHeaderClickedEventArgs) => void;

Emitted whenever a group header is clicked.


onGroupHeaderContextMenu?: (colIndex: number, event: GroupHeaderClickedEventArgs) => void

Emitted whenever a group header's context menu should be presented, usually right click.


onHeaderClicked?: (colIndex: number, event: HeaderClickedEventArgs) => void;

Emitted whenever a header is clicked.


onHeaderContextMenu?: (colIndex: number, event: HeaderClickedEventArgs) => void;

Emitted whenever a column header's context menu should be presented, usually right click.


onHeaderMenuClick?: (col: number, screenPosition: Rectangle) => void;

onHeaderMenuClick is called when the user clicks the menu button on a column header. col is the column index, and screenPosition is the bounds of the column header. You are responsible for drawing and handling the menu.


onItemHovered?: (args: GridMouseEventArgs) => void;

onItemHovered is called when the user hovers over a cell, a header, or outside the grid.


onMouseMove?: (args: GridMouseEventArgs) => void;

Emitted any time the mouse moves. Most behaviors relying on this should be debounced for performance reasons.


onRowMoved?: (startIndex: number, endIndex: number) => void;

Called whenever a row re-order operation is completed. Setting the callback enables re-ordering by dragging the first column of a row.


preventDiagonalScrolling?: booling;

Set to true to prevent any diagonal scrolling.


rowSelectionMode?: "auto" | "multi";

rowSelectionMode changes how selecting a row marker behaves. In auto mode it adapts to touch or mouse environments automatically, in multi-mode it always acts as if the multi key (Ctrl) is pressed.


readonly validateCell?: (cell: Item, newValue: EditableGridCell) => boolean | EditableGridCell;

When returns false indicates to the user the value will not be accepted. When returns a new GridCell the value is coerced to match.

Last updated