
In general editing in the DataEditor is handled by listening to the onCellEdited or onCellsEdited events and updating your data source. Once an edit is complete the DataEditor will automatically re-render those cells. If the edits to the data source are synchronous, meaning subsequent calls to getCellContent return the edited values, the DataEditor will automatically reflect the new values.

Additional events are available for specialty purposes.

interface DataEditorProps {

    // ...other props

    coercePasteValue?: ((val, cell) => undefined | GridCell);
    imageEditorOverride?: ImageEditorType;
    onCellEdited?: ((cell, newValue) => void);
    onCellsEdited?: ((newValues) => boolean | void);
    onDelete?: ((selection) => boolean | GridSelection);
    onFillPattern?: ((event) => void);
    onFinishedEditing?: ((newValue, movement) => void);
    onGroupHeaderRenamed?: ((groupName, newVal) => void);
    onPaste?: boolean | ((target, values) => boolean);
    onRowAppended?: (() => void | Promise<undefined | number | "bottom" | "top">);
    trailingRowOptions?: {
        addIcon?: string;
        hint?: string;
        sticky?: boolean;
        targetColumn?: number | GridColumn;
        tint?: boolean;
    validateCell?: ((cell, newValue, prevValue) => boolean | ValidatedGridCell);
    // ...other props


onDelete?: (selection: GridSelection) => GridSelection | boolean;

onDelete is called when the user deletes one or more rows. gridSelection is current selection. If the callback returns false, deletion will not happen. If it returns true, all cells inside all selected rows, columns and ranges will be deleted. If the callback returns a GridSelection, the newly returned selection will be deleted instead.


imageEditorOverride?: ImageEditorType;

If imageEditorOverride is specified, then it will be used instead of the default image editor overlay, which is what the user sees when they double-click on an image cell.


onCellEdited?: (cell: Item, newValue: EditableGridCell) => void;
onCellsEdited?: (newValues: readonly { location: Item; value: EditableGridCell }[]) => boolean | void;

onCellEdited is called when the user finishes editing a cell. Note that you are responsible for setting the new value of the cell.

onCellsEdited is called whenever a batch of cells is about to be edited. If the callback returns true, onCellEdited will not be called for an cells in the event.


onDeleteRows?: (rows: readonly number[]) => void;

onDeleteRows is called when the user deletes one or more rows. rows is an array with the absolute indexes of the deletes rows. Note that it is on you to actually effect the deletion of those rows.


interface FillPatternEventArgs extends PreventableEvent {
    patternSource: Rectangle;
    fillDestination: Rectangle;

onFillPattern?: ((event: FillPatternEventArgs ) => void);

Emitted whenever the user uses the fillHandle to fill other cells with data. The patternSource represents the selection from which the fill started, and the fillDestination represents the region to be filled using the pattern as a template. event.preventDefault() may be called in order to prevent the standard fill behavior from happening.


onFinishedEditing?: (newValue: GridCell | undefined, movement: Item) => void;

Emitted whenever the data grid exits edit mode. The movement indicates which direction the user requested the selection move towards. -1 is left/up, 1 is right/down.


onGroupHeaderRenamed?: (groupName: string, newVal: string) => void

If provided group headers will have an icon allowing users to rename them. When a user renames a group header this event will be emitted. It is up to the developer to actually rename the header.


onPaste?: ((target: Item, values: readonly (readonly string[])[]) => boolean) | boolean;

onPaste is called when data is pasted into the grid. If left undefined, the DataEditor will operate in a fallback mode and attempt to paste the text buffer into the current cell assuming the current cell is not readonly and can accept the data type. If onPaste is set to false or the function returns false, the grid will simply ignore paste. If onPaste evaluates to true the grid will attempt to split the data by tabs and newlines and paste into available cells.

The grid will not attempt to add additional rows if more data is pasted then can fit. In that case it is advisable to simply return false from onPaste and handle the paste manually.


coercePasteValue?: (val: string, cell: GridCell) => GridCell | undefined;

This callback allows coercion of pasted values before they are passed to edit functions. val contains the pasted value and cell is the target of the paste. Returning undefined will accept the default behavior of the grid, or a GridCell may be returned which will be used for paste instead.


trailingRowOptions?: {
    readonly tint?: boolean; // DataEditor level only
    readonly sticky?: boolean; // DataEditor level only
    readonly hint?: string;
    readonly addIcon?: string;
    readonly targetColumn?: number | GridColumn;
    readonly themeOverride?: Partial<Theme>; // GridColumn only
    readonly disabled?: boolean; // GridColumn only
onRowAppended?: () => void;

onRowAppended controls adding new rows at the bottom of the Grid. If onRowAppended is defined, an empty row will display at the bottom. When the user clicks on one of its cells, onRowAppended is called, which is responsible for appending the new row. The appearance of the blank row can be configured using trailingRowOptions.


readonly validateCell?: (cell: Item, newValue: EditableGridCell) => boolean | EditableGridCell;

When returns false indicates to the user the value will not be accepted. When returns a new GridCell the value is coerced to match.

Last updated