Required Props

interface DataEditorProps {
    // ... other props

    columns: readonly GridColumn[];
    getCellContent: ((cell) => GridCell);
    rows: number;
    // ... other props


columns: readonly GridColumn[];

columns is an array of objects of type GridColumn describing the column headers. The length of the array is the number of columns to display.

💡 This value should be memoized so as to avoid extraneous rerendering.


rows: number;

rows is the number of rows to display.


getCellContent: (cell: Item) => GridCell;

getCellContent returns an object of type GridCell describing the contents for the cell at the given coordinates.

💡 This value should be memoized so as to avoid extraneous rerendering. This is usually done using React.useCallback. Failure to ensure proper memoization will result in slow path rendering at all times.

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